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LASL Summer Tournament

The Sun was shining yet again for the 2010 LASL summer tournament (Codename: "I have a puppy between my legs.... and I quite like it" for those who remember any of the evening once we retired to the Sun Inn).

Anyway, back to the softball, having all dragged ourselves up at the crack of dawn to travel the length and breadth of London to arrive at the Old Deer Park for 8.30 am to be told first game was at 10am, oh well time for beer.....

The day started hard with defeats at the bats of Cap Gemini (fully stacked with every GB player they could muster), but a respectable 6-15 result, the constant flow of beers and relentless sun beating down on us kept us moving onwards and upwards to further losses against Rainey Kelly and Tequila. Even Newbies streaking home run wrapped in the Pirate Flag couldn't save us from these first 3 losses.

However we were a scratch team and it took a couple of games and a few crates of beer before we found our Mojo and recorded a comprehensive win versus The Orphans whose ringers were not to be underestimated but couldnt hold back the wave after wave of Pirate runs. However it was the first innings of this game when the Pirate fire was really lit as Orphans Kiwi rookie steamed in to home oblivious of Lola and the inevitable tag out, bowling her off her feet. However as Lola was delivered to A&E, the Pirates were fired up with revenge and The Kinks 'Lola' suprisingly went on to knock the Orphans out of the competition and make the Plate final for another game against Tequila,

And so the seemingly impossible had happened, we were in the Final. With only thoughts of Lola and the imminent hours in the pub and beckoning cold beer, the Tequila grudge match commenced. At the top of the first innings I demanded an improbable 14 runs from the Pirates who only delivered 11. Very dissapointing. But we went on to stretch the lead before Tequila made a valiant effort to pull us back in. Final score 22-17 and the silverware was ours.

Finally it was time for the pub. Our resident bard (aka Panda) has provided the following memorable moments and awards:

"Hmm lets see, I can only mostly remember the pub antics and am having trouble remembering the softball!"

Play of the day: Lola - Great relay to get ball into Lola at home, Kiwi proceeded to run straight into the tag and through her - knocking her clean off her feet backwards. Lola lying on the ground asking Ronnie if she got the tag as she couldn't see the ball still perfectly held in her glove. Textbook play.

Picture of the day: Steve asleep having a happy dream...

Downing a pint in less than 3 seconds award: Newby

Quote of the day: Laura - I have a puppy between my legs... And I quite like it!

Whiter than White Legs award: Ange

Forgetting they still had their cleats on after a couple of hours at the pub: Ange

Coolest Hat award: Waldie for his Panama

Party Harder award: Portland Pirates - last softball team standing at the pub

Scared Chicken award: Mike Lock for refusing Newby's challenge of downing a pint

Only coming with one sock award: Laura

Another great summer tournament, another great night in the pub, and more great new friends. Take it easy all, see you around the Parks and Pubs.

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1 Response to LASL Summer Tournament

5 July 2010 at 16:20

Had a wicked day, thanks everyone!

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