Yet another scorching evening in Regents Park for the Pirates to venture forth versus their old enemy The Economist. However this game was more of an exhibition match featuring two of this years Rookie All Stars. A big congratulations to Laura and JB for making the first selection for a trip to The States and TPT. Also congratulations to Phil and Paul from the Engine crew for also making the team.
With such pedigree on the Pirates team the results was as big a shock to The Economist as our invite for them to join us for drinks afterwards.
To celebrate the departure of Posh Johnny to a jet set world of cappella vocals, he dutifully arrived to support the Pirates, champagne in hand. With much beer, Pimms and champagne drunk, the game was over so it was of course time for Johnny P's farewell Pirate challenge which he attacked with gusto to set the current fastest time of 1'01.3' For everyones entertainment here is the home movie by our very own videographer Becs, aka Legs, aka The Flasher.
Rite of Passage,
The Economist,
The Sun was shining yet again for the 2010 LASL summer tournament (Codename: "I have a puppy between my legs.... and I quite like it" for those who remember any of the evening once we retired to the Sun Inn).
Anyway, back to the softball, having all dragged ourselves up at the crack of dawn to travel the length and breadth of London to arrive at the Old Deer Park for 8.30 am to be told first game was at 10am, oh well time for beer.....
The day started hard with defeats at the bats of Cap Gemini (fully stacked with every GB player they could muster), but a respectable 6-15 result, the constant flow of beers and relentless sun beating down on us kept us moving onwards and upwards to further losses against Rainey Kelly and Tequila. Even Newbies streaking home run wrapped in the Pirate Flag couldn't save us from these first 3 losses.
However we were a scratch team and it took a couple of games and a few crates of beer before we found our Mojo and recorded a comprehensive win versus The Orphans whose ringers were not to be underestimated but couldnt hold back the wave after wave of Pirate runs. However it was the first innings of this game when the Pirate fire was really lit as Orphans Kiwi rookie steamed in to home oblivious of Lola and the inevitable tag out, bowling her off her feet. However as Lola was delivered to A&E, the Pirates were fired up with revenge and The Kinks 'Lola' suprisingly went on to knock the Orphans out of the competition and make the Plate final for another game against Tequila,
And so the seemingly impossible had happened, we were in the Final. With only thoughts of Lola and the imminent hours in the pub and beckoning cold beer, the Tequila grudge match commenced. At the top of the first innings I demanded an improbable 14 runs from the Pirates who only delivered 11. Very dissapointing. But we went on to stretch the lead before Tequila made a valiant effort to pull us back in. Final score 22-17 and the silverware was ours.
Finally it was time for the pub. Our resident bard (aka Panda) has provided the following memorable moments and awards:
"Hmm lets see, I can only mostly remember the pub antics and am having trouble remembering the softball!"
Play of the day: Lola - Great relay to get ball into Lola at home, Kiwi proceeded to run straight into the tag and through her - knocking her clean off her feet backwards. Lola lying on the ground asking Ronnie if she got the tag as she couldn't see the ball still perfectly held in her glove. Textbook play.
Picture of the day: Steve asleep having a happy dream...
Downing a pint in less than 3 seconds award: Newby
Quote of the day: Laura - I have a puppy between my legs... And I quite like it!
Whiter than White Legs award: Ange
Forgetting they still had their cleats on after a couple of hours at the pub: Ange
Coolest Hat award: Waldie for his Panama
Party Harder award: Portland Pirates - last softball team standing at the pub
Scared Chicken award: Mike Lock for refusing Newby's challenge of downing a pint
Only coming with one sock award: Laura
Another great summer tournament, another great night in the pub, and more great new friends. Take it easy all, see you around the Parks and Pubs.
Play of the day: Lola - Great relay to get ball into Lola at home, Kiwi proceeded to run straight into the tag and through her - knocking her clean off her feet backwards. Lola lying on the ground asking Ronnie if she got the tag as she couldn't see the ball still perfectly held in her glove. Textbook play.
Picture of the day: Steve asleep having a happy dream...
Downing a pint in less than 3 seconds award: Newby
Quote of the day: Laura - I have a puppy between my legs... And I quite like it!
Whiter than White Legs award: Ange
Forgetting they still had their cleats on after a couple of hours at the pub: Ange
Coolest Hat award: Waldie for his Panama
Party Harder award: Portland Pirates - last softball team standing at the pub
Scared Chicken award: Mike Lock for refusing Newby's challenge of downing a pint
Only coming with one sock award: Laura
Another great summer tournament, another great night in the pub, and more great new friends. Take it easy all, see you around the Parks and Pubs.
After last weeks game to forget.... the Pirates sailed out onto Regents Park to face off against last years (to be honest almost every year...) league champions Cap Gemini.
Previous games against Cap have resulted in losses, 7-23 and 12-24. Although again this was a defeat every Pirate showed their intent and it was an incredibly close game losing by just 2 runs. In fact it was a game that was there to win, and if we had been full strength or were a little luckier with the bounce of the ball..... just maybe. A huge cheer for everyone, and as JB would say this will send a message to the rest of the league correcting last week.
Although as always everyone played great, a real team result, I have to admit memorable moments for me were Cap Gemini's young upstart and representative of the GB team stepping up to bat and being caught out by Pau repeatedly. And having their coach and captain stepping in to bat because he was worried they could not hold on to the lead and win. Well done everyone!
Come on Pirates! Lets get to the final again, and take this years trophy out from under these Cap Gemini, invaders to our advertising league from another sector.
Cap Gemini,
Great Game,
Calling all Pirates.......
We'll just put this one behind us and move onwards and upwards, and I promise no more holidays.
Next its time to overcome the might of Cap Gemini.
The Engine Group Derby......... another great game, The Pirates continue to rumble on through Division 1 undefeated, what more really needs to be said; the pre match banter, the buying of more booze than should ever be associated with sport, the tension building, no mention of innings 5..... But here are a few in-game and post game snippets, all the photos and videos can be found on Facebook.
Damo’s inspiring pitchside banter: If in doubt celebrate. They won’t bloody argue with that, will they? (Said with very grumbly voice and big frown) - Bex
The mini chocolate brownie off between Ange and myself (I won) - Bex
Ange’s right arm – my god that girl can throw! - Bethan
Waldie's spectacular flying leap to save yet another potential over-throw by me. Phew! - Ange
Johnny Posh dancing in to two – Andy G
Pau’s herculean fielding where he lobbed the ball back to pitcher from a position so far south he was in almost in Surbiton - Bex
Laura actually hits the ball to the right….right into Tara’s ankle! :-/ Oops!! - Laura
Forgetting how to open a can of beer... - Alan
Bex styles out her shock at catching someone out “yayayay….i mean..this happens all the time!” - Pam
Simon’s gravity defying DOWNWARD hit which, impossibly, always results in a monster out-of-the-park smash - Bex
Jas makes a play for team fashionista "Surely I’ve upped the softball fashion stakes with my red coat display? And I actually made it to fourth base!"
An excellent rendition of barbershop blues from our recently formed Pirates Performance Group: Posh Jonny as Ooompa man, Pau as baritone and starring our very own Cheryl Cole (Jess) - Bex
And of course the inaugural Pirate Rite of Passage, a challenge set to decide who would take home and wear the last of our team shirts. Bex's video footage is all available on Facebook to relive the comedy moments.
Congratulations to Stephen 'Thorn' for setting the current fastest time:
Stephen - 1:05.6 Alan - 1:06.5 Andy - 1:08.5Remember this week is game free, but there is the first of the Rookie Trials on Monday night. Great practice for all levels, more socialising and always the chance of a free trip to the USA.
Engine Group Derby,
Rite of Passage,
As I am sure some of you have heard me mention, The Players Tournament (TPT) is a four day tournament held in the U.S each year for teams from advertising leagues around North America and Europe.
Each year the LASL select a ‘rookie’ team (people who are new to the game) who are trained up and taken to the tournament to compete with established teams.
Previous trips have been to locations such as San Diego, Phoenix and Palm Springs, this year we return to Tucson. Games are played on full sized baseball diamonds the tournament, sponsored by Miller Genuine Draft is a fantastic opportunity to play great softball, with experienced teams in it’s home country.
If you want to know anything about the trials or TPT just ask myself, Ange or Alan in the park. And if you want to sign up for the chance to have an awesome trip to the states or just a chance for some great training and a few more beers in the park, let me know and when this years forms are sent to me, I'll let you know. You can also find out more about TPT, or watch the videos from last year on the TPT website
Trial dates are set over 3 weeks in June, 3 Monday nights (14th, 21st and 28th) and finally 1 Friday night in July (on the 2nd).
Having overcome 'the panic' of a girl drought, we gathered on a scorching evening in Regents Park for 'The Pirate Derby', Portland versus Paddington. DDB's crew certainly didn't appear like pirates; smart uniforms and regimented pre game warm up training, whilst across the diamond as our motley crew gradually arrived we hit the beers and soaked up the rays.
With the eye of Moe providing a consitent Blue throughout, the game was a close one although we kept an edge and we took our knocks (especially Laura), but fought on to maintain our lead and finish a second game with a score of 19-14. Another good result versus the unknown DDB who had previously been division 2 champions.
Same time, same pitch next week for the 'Engine Group Derby' when we will be facing the challenge of our friends and colleagues throughout the building.....
This week the rabbles numbers were low, however we numbered 9 and the game could start in the knowledge that Laura was running from the office and whip of work.
Again we were slow to warm up versus the Glove Muppets who appeared serious and beerless. Confident we would soon be warmed by the flow of our preferred poisons, performance did indeed improve and we turned a gradually widening gap in the Muppets favour into a small lead in favour of the Pirates. Then finally the break through, a 6th innings smashing of 9 runs to break the will of the Muppets with a 19-7 lead going into the final innings. However the Muppets stood up and managed to narrow the gap well with another 7 runs but the victory was ours!
Well done again everyone, a fine start to the season with a draw and win versus a couple of the top teams.
The first game of the season came around pretty fast and the turn out of new players was fantastic with almost 20 pirates raiding Regents Park to spoil the expectations of Rainey Kelly.
The sun was shining but it was slow to warm us as we trailed behind Y&R throughout the game. Finally at the top of the 7th innings their stamina waivered and we rained in a 5 run gap to level the game, all that remained was to lock them out during their last innings at bat to snatch a draw from the jaws of defeat. And we did. Well done everyone, it was great if a little chaotic leading such a large rabble.
Special mention should really go to all, with soo many newcomers you were all awesome. I hope everyone enjoyed it and makes their way out to future games.
The sun was shining but it was slow to warm us as we trailed behind Y&R throughout the game. Finally at the top of the 7th innings their stamina waivered and we rained in a 5 run gap to level the game, all that remained was to lock them out during their last innings at bat to snatch a draw from the jaws of defeat. And we did. Well done everyone, it was great if a little chaotic leading such a large rabble.
Special mention should really go to all, with soo many newcomers you were all awesome. I hope everyone enjoyed it and makes their way out to future games.
The league news is finally in, and the full game schedule has been published.
To see it, in all its complex glory, just follow the 'Schedule' link at the top of this blog (a quick guide - all our games have been filled in red).
To see it, in all its complex glory, just follow the 'Schedule' link at the top of this blog (a quick guide - all our games have been filled in red).
For those whose eyes glaze over at the sight of such a schedule, our first game is on Thursday the 20th May versus Rainey Kelly CR/Y&R on pitch 10.
Since next week is the last week before we start hitting the park, if anyone wants some more training time after work, a guide to the game or has any questions just let myself or Becs know and we will see what we can sort out for you.
We've got 2 pre-season open training sessions this week. Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th: 6.30pm - 8pm.
The official league run training for newcomers to softball, so it will be a little more organised than our freestyle, have a go night last week.
If you want to come along, just let myself or Bex know on which nights you would like go, and we will provide a guide through the park and a glove. The sessions are at pitch 14 (see links to the pitch map at the top of this page)
With the start of the season getting ever closer I figure its time to get everyone into the park for some pre game warm ups, so if anyone fancies a little batting practice and a chance to try on your soon to be loved gloves, we will be heading up to the park after work this Thursday.
There may also be the chance of a mini game (depending on numbers), with some old friends from Blow Up Media and the Engine crew. Just send me an email so we have an idea of numbers.
A couple more dates for the diary, official league training evenings, to introduce all newcomers to the game, will take place next week on Wednesday the 28th and Thursday the 29th. Again let me know if you would like to attend.
Finally, it is the captains meeting tonight so we will soon know who we will be facing and when. More news to follow soon, and if you haven't yet signed up or confirmed your email subscription, do so soon to avoid missing any updates.

Now as always we have said goodbye to a few leavers over the months and hello to even more new starters, so spread the word, reminisce about good times and sign up for 2010.
To sign up for the team just click on any of the 'Sign Up' links, or Subscribe by email to receive all the news about the upcoming season. And to support our Engine wide drive towards a better digital understanding there are RSS, Facebook and Twitter feeds to follow.
If you have any questions or want to know more, just ask around. The season will start officially on May the 4th, so there are just a few short weeks left. There will be more news soon about official and unofficial pre season training / friendly games.
Engine Group Derby,
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