This week the rabbles numbers were low, however we numbered 9 and the game could start in the knowledge that Laura was running from the office and whip of work.

Again we were slow to warm up versus the Glove Muppets who appeared serious and beerless. Confident we would soon be warmed by the flow of our preferred poisons, performance did indeed improve and we turned a gradually widening gap in the Muppets favour into a small lead in favour of the Pirates. Then finally the break through, a 6th innings smashing of 9 runs to break the will of the Muppets with a 19-7 lead going into the final innings. However the Muppets stood up and managed to narrow the gap well with another 7 runs but the victory was ours!

Well done again everyone, a fine start to the season with a draw and win versus a couple of the top teams.

vs. RKCR / Y&R [14-14]

The first game of the season came around pretty fast and the turn out of new players was fantastic with almost 20 pirates raiding Regents Park to spoil the expectations of Rainey Kelly.

The sun was shining but it was slow to warm us as we trailed behind Y&R throughout the game. Finally at the top of the 7th innings their stamina waivered and we rained in a 5 run gap to level the game, all that remained was to lock them out during their last innings at bat to snatch a draw from the jaws of defeat. And we did. Well done everyone, it was great if a little chaotic leading such a large rabble.

Special mention should really go to all, with soo many newcomers you were all awesome. I hope everyone enjoyed it and makes their way out to future games.

Game schedule

The league news is finally in, and the full game schedule has been published.

To see it, in all its complex glory, just follow the 'Schedule' link at the top of this blog (a quick guide - all our games have been filled in red).

For those whose eyes glaze over at the sight of such a schedule, our first game is on Thursday the 20th May versus Rainey Kelly CR/Y&R on pitch 10.

Since next week is the last week before we start hitting the park, if anyone wants some more training time after work, a guide to the game or has any questions just let myself or Becs know and we will see what we can sort out for you.